Farmhouse guests will have the opportunity to see all our animals closely and share our daily experience.
The small animals, such as geese and peacocks, walk around Serrat de la Teia.
Farmhouse guests will have the opportunity to see all our animals closely and share our daily experience.
The small animals, such as geese and peacocks, walk around Serrat de la Teia.
Serrat de la Teia is a farmhouse with a fully working livestock farm. We have many types of livestock.
We believe in the values brought up by breeding the animals in our natural environment, and as good farmers and shepherds we are constantly close to them.
Our great flock of sheep is a reference in the Ripollès region for different reasons. We even take part in the shepherds school. Our sheep have even been the protagonists of the "Wool and Farmer Wedding Fair" one of the most significant events of traditional Catalan culture which is held in Ripoll every year.
Our fowls grow up grazing on the best Pyrenean pastures in the Pyrenees. The mares spend two years raising their foals.
In autumn, when they are big enough to be sold, we take them to the most traditional equine fairs in our area. There we also select the best specimens to be part of our herds.
Projecte acollit al programa d’incentius lligats a l’autoconsum i l’emmagatzematge, amb fonts d’energia renovable, així com a la implantació de sistemes tèrmics renovables en el sector residencial, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançat per la Unió Europea – NextGenerationEU
Nom del/de la beneficiari/ària: SERRAT DE LA TEIA S.C.P.
Mas Serrat de la Teia, s/n
17860 Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Girona
Catalunya - España
Tel. 653 68 16 36 - 972 720 735 - info[@]
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